Behold the Lamb

Behold the Lamb of God
Who comes to bear our sin,
To shed His light abroad
And cleanse our souls within.
Behold the Lamb obeys,
He does His Father’s will.
Throughout His trying days
God’s purpose He’ll fulfill.

Behold the Lamb who prays,
‘Lord, not my will but Thine.
Let all Thy wondrous ways
Be done instead of mine.’
Behold the Lamb alone,
Arrested and betrayed,
Forsaken by His own,
Without the angels’ aid.

Behold the Lamb is hung
Upon a shameful tree,
So pure and strong and young
Yet counted sin for me.
Behold the Lamb who cries,
“It’s finished!” All is done!
Then for my sin He dies –
The battle He has won.

Behold the Lamb once slain
Now risen from the grave
In glory comes again
His own from death to save.
Behold the Lamb ascends
To heaven and sits down,
That every knee may bend
And all may see His crown.

Behold the Lamb returns
To catch away His bride,
The proud of earth He spurns –
They cannot long abide.
Behold the Lamb of God
And trust in Him alone,
His mighty love applaud,
And bow before His throne.

Christina Joy Hommes