R ejoice for Christ is risen!
E xalt His Name with me!
S ing of His great salvation
U nearned yet given free.
R ejoice for He has triumphed!
R ejoice for Jesus lives
E ternally exalted!
C laim what He freely gives.
T o him that overcometh
I s pledged a victor’s crown –
O n to the prize before us
N umbered as Jesus’ own.
Christina Joy Hommes
Come, join with me in singing
To God our gracious Lord,
The very sky is ringing –
Join me in glad accord.
Our God most high is worthy
Because His works are great;
Recount His deeds of mercy,
His wondrous plan relate.
His mercy has redeemed us
At cost of His own Son,
Our glorious Savior Jesus
Our peace and joy has won.
Give thanks with glad rejoicing
To God our glorious King;
True love and awe expressing,
Our grateful praise we bring.
Christina Joy Hommes
Thanksgiving Day is set aside
For bringing thanks to God
For all His gifts sent from above
In mercy spread abroad.
With joyful hearts we choose to spend
A day to recollect
The many blessings we receive
And Him whom they reflect.
A day to fellowship and sing,
A day to celebrate
A day to tell what God has done –
His triumphs to relate.
We think of all God’s gifts of grace
To count them one by one,
Amazed at all He’s given us,
And all His hand has done.
Christina Joy Hommes
Thanksgiving 2015