Do You Have a Worry-Pet?
Some people have a worry-pet
That’s living in their soul,
It seems to keep them company
But quickly takes control.
They let it out to take a walk
And feed it every day,
They play and romp and give it treats
And give the pet its way.
It grows and grows until at last
It’s far too big to lead,
It comes to be the one in charge
And shows its endless greed.
However bad this pet becomes
It gets a pass to stay,
Because they want companionship
And know no other way.
But Jesus comes and says to give
Your worry-pet to Him
Before it drains your final joy
Or pulls you limb from limb.
He wants to be your loving Friend
So faithful, kind, and true,
He wants your good and you will find
He’s always there for you.
He’ll help you come if you have found
Your pet’s too big to bring,
He’ll help you give your fears to Him
And trust in everything.
When worry comes, don’t let it grow,
Don’t give it time and space —
Run straight to Christ, give thanks, and ask
For help and strength and grace.
Christina Joy Hommes
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6-7
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