Fill Me
Lord, fill me with Your Spirit
Until He has control
Of all my heart and being,
Of body, spirit, soul.
Fill me with acts of kindness
Like Jesus on the earth,
Fill me with songs of praises
That celebrate Your worth,
Fill me with strength for living
According to Your Word,
Fill me with expectation
For heaven’s bright reward,
Fill me with faith to trust you
Whatever lines my way,
Fill me with peace believing
You hear me when I pray,
Fill me with love from heaven
That I may love like You,
Fill me with joy in knowing
That all You say is true,
Fill me with fruits of goodness
That glorify my King,
Fill me, dear Holy Spirit,
Please lead in everything,
Fill me with thoughts of worship
For all You are and do,
Fill me with words of witness
To point the world to You.
Christina Joy Hommes
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