If You’ve Lost Sight of Heaven
If you’ve lost sight of heaven
And all its glories bright,
The prize that crowns the faithful
Who reach that land of light,
If you’ve lost sight of Jesus
And all His love for you,
His death and resurrection
With grace that’s always new,
If you’ve lost sight of living
A godly life that’s pure,
That shines for Christ our Savior
Whose Word is true and sure,
If you’ve lost sight of trusting
God’s wise and loving hand,
And resting in His promise
Of all that He has planned,
Then stop and look to Jesus,
Dig deeper in His Word,
And get around believers
Who live the things they’ve heard.
Rekindle through repentance
The Spirit’s mighty flame,
Remember all God’s blessings
And praise His holy Name.
The more you love and seek Him
And live for things above,
The more You’ll know His presence
And find His joy and love.
Christina Joy Hommes
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