Jesus: Almighty, Faithful, True
Yes, He’s the Almighty, the Faithful, the True,
The Door and the Shepherd, the Savior for you,
The Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End,
Creator, Provider, Sustainer, and Friend.
Emmanuel, Jesus, Messiah, the Way,
The Lamb, Bread of life, and the Strength of our day,
The Word, the Incarnate, the Life and the Light,
Our Hope and our Anchor, our Song in the night.
Our Brother, our Master, our God, and our Lord,
The coming Defender who’s bringing reward,
The great Intercessor, the Morning Star bright,
The King, the Redeemer, the Father’s delight.
The Lion of Judah, the Seed who would win,
The Arm of Jehovah, the One without sin,
The Cornerstone, Witness, I Am, Heaven’s Heir,
The Christ, Resurrection, the Lily so rare.
The Rock of Salvation, the Image of God,
The Judge and High Priest, Son of man, Son of God,
The Author, the Captain, the Victor, the Key,
The Holy One, Yahweh, He’s all things to me.
Christina Joy Hommes
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8
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