Life’s Symphony

This year was like a movement
In life’s grand symphony,
Each day a little measure
That makes up history.

Some days were loud, climactic,
Some sang sweet melodies,
Others were deep and minor,
Some didn’t charm or please.

Yet now I hear together
Those measures heard alone,
And hear their moving beauty –
A masterpiece has grown.

Those passing tones have purpose,
Add beauty, depth, and grace,
And all the accidentals
Sound purposeful in place.

Together they are stunning –
Conducted perfectly;
I would not change one measure –
He wrote it masterfully.

My life was just one player,
One instrument He chose,
His score is even richer
With all its ebbs and flows.

These lives all lived together
Resound with joyful praise,
Celestial music ringing
In every note and phrase.

Yet this year’s but one movement
In life’s grand symphony,
Each year builds on the last one
With perfect harmony.

The moment God created,
The melody began,
And since that day, unceasing,
Has grown into His plan.

Someday we’ll hear the music
God wrote into the world
With all its depth and beauty
So perfectly unfurled.

And then the little questions
We had will be explained
Within the larger picture
Which was so well ordained.

Lord, thank you for conducting
This symphony to show
Your grace and love and wisdom
That we Yourself may know.

I know I am not worthy
To be an instrument
In such a work of glory
Your Name to represent.

My skill is very little,
I cannot understand
How You can make such beauty
From nothing by Your hand.

I can’t explain this either:
That somehow my mistakes
Still work into the beauty
That You so freely make.

And yet, what would it sound like
If all of us would play
Without conceit, distraction
Through every passing day?

Lord, here am I, please use me
Throughout this coming year,
Submitted to Your leading –
Your harmonies make clear.

I hear the fading echoes
Of last year’s melody,
As this year peals its waking –
A hopeful hymn to Thee.

Christina Joy Hommes