Lock, Stock, and Barrel
When will you go all out for Christ?
When will you give Him full control?
When will you welcome Him inside
The deepest places of your soul?
What do you fear that He will ask?
What treasure must you never lose?
What do you dread He’ll ask of you
If you would simply let Him chose?
Why are you hesitant to trust
That He will do the thing that’s best?
Why do you fear to take a step,
Trusting His wisdom for the rest?
What if the things you’re holding to
Cost you the dearest ones instead?
Like Lot you may lose all because
You will not do as God has said.
Don’t wait until you feel prepared,
Don’t quench the Spirit’s loving word.
Give Him your all with no reserve –
Lock, stock, and barrel for the Lord.
Christina Joy Hommes
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