No more sin, and no more struggle,
O what bliss awaits!
There with Jesus Christ forever
In His grand estates.

No temptations ever luring,
No more fear of sin;
Not just washed, but white and holy,
Clean as snow within.

No more devil scheming, plotting,
No more fear of him;
Just the peace of ever resting
In my Savior’s plan.

No more world to urge me wayward,
Drive me from the right;
Just the happy host of heaven
Gathered in the light.

No more flesh to fight and shame me,
No more wrong desire,
Just the joy of serving Jesus –
What will this transpire?

No more sadness, loss, or grieving,
No more pain or woe;
Jesus conquered death and suffering
When He lived below.

Hasten, Lord, this day so precious
When You’ll set me free;
Then, as pure as Christ my Savior,
I will worship Thee.

For Bob Anderson
Christina Joy Hommes