God’s Creation Sings
The beauty of the nighttime sky
That sings its Maker’s praise
The thunder of the crashing waves
That roar His wondrous ways
The glory of the morning sun
That shows His faithfulness
The shadow of the mountains high
That tell His changelessness
The wonder of the growing crops
That show His tender care
The height of clouds that help us see
The Lord is everywhere
The singing of the little birds
That raise a joyful hymn
The croaking of the summer frogs
That point our thoughts to Him
The presence of the pleasant breeze
That helps us feel He’s near
The whole of God’s creation sings
And makes His glory clear
Christina Joy Hommes
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is walking on this earth;
The angels He created
Announce His humble birth.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is healing blind and lame
And making friends of outcasts
Who call upon His Name.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is dying on the tree –
The innocent found guilty
To pardon you and me.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is rising from the grave
Exalted and triumphant
To prove His pow’r to save.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Ascending to His throne
To intercede forever
For those He calls His own.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is coming back to reign
With all His saints who follow
Exultant in His train.
Come, see! The God of heaven
Is making all things new.
Our King and our Redeemer
We bring our praise to You!
Christina Joy Hommes
God Is Very Near
God’s love and kind provision
Amaze me day to day,
That One so great and mighty
Would care in such a way.
His goodness never ending
Is near to bless and guide,
His mercy is abundant
To pardon and provide.
His grace is so much greater
Than sin could ever be,
His presence reaches further
Than mortal eye can see.
His glory fills the heavens,
The earth reveals His might,
He sees as well at midnight
As when the sun is bright.
He’s both our Judge and Refuge –
Let all rejoice and fear
For God Himself our Maker
Is always very near.
Christina Joy Hommes
God Loves It When We Trust Him
God loves it when we trust Him
With simple, childlike faith
That doesn’t doubt or worry
But rests in loving grace.
He loves it when our actions
And countenance display
A confident assurance
That He’ll direct our way.
He loves a joyful spirit
That cannot see ahead
But holds to every promise
The Lord Himself has said.
He loves our quiet watching
For what His hand will do
That says, “The Lord’s been faithful –
He always brings me through.”
He loves a heart that’s peaceful
When facing flood and flame –
A living song of worship
That magnifies His Name.
He loves it when we trust Him
Not just for life above
But through the storms, believing
His tender care and love.
Christina Joy Hommes
For All the Many Blessings
My heart is overflowing
With gratitude and love
For all the many blessings
You’ve sent me from above.
Forgiveness and salvation
Would be enough for me
Without a home in heaven
For all eternity.
Eternal life in heaven
Through Jesus Christ my Lord
Would be enough forever
Without His kind reward.
Rich treasures kept in glory
That cannot fade away
Would be enough, dear Savior,
Without sweet gifts today.
With all of these You’ve blessed me
And countless more each day –
They show Your loving kindness
And stir my heart to say:
Lord, thank You for Your mercy
So wide and deep and free –
My cup is running over
With all You’ve done for me.
Christina Joy Hommes
Symbols of the Cross
The thorns and nails, the cross of wood,
Are symbols of the One who stood
To take my place and bear my sin
Though He was pure and wholly good.
The Lord Himself came down for me
And paid my debt at Calvary
To give me hope, forgive my guilt,
And let me live eternally.
He rose and left an empty grave
To show His right to freely save
For Jesus rose in victory
And all my sin and guilt forgave.
My song will ever be of One
Who faced my death for me and won
For by His death I ever live
A witness of what Christ has done.
Christina Joy Hommes