The Closing Year
Lord, in this closing year You’ve been
So faithful, good, and true,
You’ve led me through a winding way
Yet kept me close to You.
The path was hedged on either side
By roses fair and bright,
But backed by thorns to keep me on
The pathway pure and right.
Sometimes it rained and puddles grew
Along the way we took,
But after storms You painted there
A rainbow when I’d look.
At other times the sun shone warm,
The roses threw their scent
Along the path, and followed us
No matter where we went.
Sometimes the path was steep to climb,
But when we reached a peak
The view was stunning and revealed
A glimpse of what we seek.
Through rain and sun, by rose and thorn
You guided me this year –
With grateful heart I lift my praise
That You are always near.
Christina Joy Hommes
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