The Gates of Heaven Opened Wide
The gates of heaven opened wide,
I saw my Savior’s face!
Pain disappeared in glorious rest
While tears dissolved in grace.
My Lord stretched out His arms of love
And called me, “Child, come home.”
I entered heaven’s glorious day –
No more on earth I’ll roam.
He smiled and said, “Well done!” to me,
Those words I’d longed to hear;
So often I’d imagined them
But they were sweeter here.
I can’t describe it all just yet,
I still must take it in,
But here there’s never pain or tears,
No sorrow, death, or sin.
Here all is light and God is near,
Earth’s troubles are repaid;
No fears remain, no doubts arise,
No worries make afraid.
When you remember me, my friend,
Remember where I’ve come –
Believe in Jesus Christ alone
And live for heaven’s home.
Christina Joy Hommes
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