To Make a Sinner Clean
He died, the holy Lamb of God,
Upon the cross of shame
To pardon all who by His grace
Will call upon His Name.
Upon the cross of shame
To pardon all who by His grace
Will call upon His Name.
He took the guilt that was my own
And died on my account;
My sin was nailed to Calvary –
Too long a list to count.
He bore God’s wrath, beloved Son,
Though He had done no wrong;
It was my due, He bore it all –
Was ever love so strong?
He gave Himself to set me free –
My Savior, Jesus Christ –
On my account He gave His life,
For me was sacrificed.
Oh wondrous thought that God would die
To make a sinner clean!
I can’t repay such love as His,
Yet on His grace I lean.
Christina Joy Hommes
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