For Mother’s Day I set some of Mom’s favorite parenting Scriptures to verse:
Verses for Parents
As Lois and as Eunice
By faith both real and strong
Taught Timothy the Scriptures
And passed their faith along,
(2 Timothy 1:5-7; 14-15)
When you have taught your children
To know the Lord their God
Their peace will be established
And multiplied abroad.
(Isaiah 54:13)
Teach early in the morning
And when you eat at noon,
When walking in the evening
And lying ’neath the moon.
(Deuteronomy 6:7)
Tell often to your children
That they might tell their own
God’s mighty works of mercy,
And point them to His throne.
(Psalm 78:4, 6-7)
That you might train your children
In ways that they should go
So through old age your teaching
The path of life may show.
(Proverbs 22:6)
And when it all seems useless,
And hope’s again deferred,
Remember it’s the morning
That joy has oft preferred.
(Proverbs 13:12; Psalm 30:5)
For in the Lord Jehovah
Is everlasting strength –
He can and will sustain you
Throughout life’s little length.
(Isaiah 26:4)
And let us not grow weary
Of doing what is good,
For in the time of harvest
There’s joy for those who’ve stood.
(Galatians 6:9; Psalm 126:2)
This is your precious duty,
But we will stand with you,
Like Hur and Aaron, praying
And thanking God for you.
(Ezra 10:4; Exodus 17:12; Philemon 1:4)
Christina Joy Hommes
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