God of the impossible
From Whom the mountains flee
Who thunders with a mighty voice,
I come in awe to Thee.
Abba Father, let me come
And view this mystery,
That such a God would condescend
To love and think on me.
Son of God, Almighty Lord,
Creator of all things;
The universe obeys His voice
To Whom creation sings.
Shepherd, Savior, Loving Friend,
Who died to set me free,
Who left His throne and gave His life,
Then rose in victory.
Spirit of the living God,
Bright purifying flame,
With glory unapproachable
I love Thy mighty Name.
Comforter, Indwelling Guide
Who teaches me God’s love,
Remind me of Christ’s promises
And show the way above.
Blessed, holy Trinity
Three persons yet one God,
On Whom the universe depends,
Transcendent, mighty, good.
God Almighty, Three-in-One,
My Father, Savior, Guide,
Who loves me as none other loves
My God Who will provide.
Christina Joy Hommes