It’s Different Since I Know Him
It’s different since I know Him,
It’s personal to me
To watch the Savior’s triumph
And pain at Calvary.
I see my Friend so heavy
In anguish and distress
When yielding in the Garden
To take my sinfulness.
I see Him mocked and beaten,
Unjustly tried, condemned;
Yet like a Lamb He’s silent –
So regal to the end.
I see Him trip and stumble
Beneath that cross of mine,
So weak yet speaking comfort –
Still mortal and divine.
I see them nail my Jesus
To hang upon the tree;
I hear Him pray, Forgive them
For what they’ve done to me.
I hear the crowd that mocked Him,
They scorned His Word and claim;
But when the thief repented
Christ saved him just the same.
I grieve as He’s forsaken,
The Father turns away,
Eternal oneness broken
By sin that awful day.
I watch Him cry, It’s finished!
The triumph was complete –
He gave His life for others
And purchased death’s defeat.
I see them take His body
And lay it in a tomb;
I see the soldiers guarding
Salvation’s waiting room.
I see Him rise eternal,
The Prince of life and love,
Now glorified forever
To reign in truth above.
I see Him speak to Mary,
So tender in her grief;
I hear Him near Emmaus
And join the men’s belief.
I watch the Lord appearing
To those who knew Him best
With proofs that He was living
As all of them attest.
I see Him go to Thomas
And show His hands and side;
I hear His grace and worship
My Lord now glorified.
I see Him rise to heaven
Ascending as He’ll come
To take His throne forever
And make our promised home.
I see Him interceding
For those He calls His own –
Still saving, guarding, guiding
His children from His throne.
I see Him waiting, ready
To catch us all away
To share with Him forever
His life and endless day.
It’s different since I know Him,
They’re more than facts to me,
For Jesus is my Savior
Whose love has set me free.
Christina Joy Hommes