Tears of Love

I asked the Lord to give me love –
His love for souls in sin;
Instead He gave me weeping eyes,
A broken heart within.

I asked Him why He gave me tears,
He took me back to see
When Christ my Savior lived on earth
And showed His love to me.

I saw Him go to where His friend
Was lying in a grave,
The sisters and their friends were grieved –
What love to them He gave.

You see, my Savior shared their grief
And wept with them that day,
As Jesus wept, His tears of love
Moved those around to say:

“Behold we see how much He loved!”
His tears revealed His heart;
And as I watched that touching scene
I saw God’s point in part.

He took me next to see the day
When loud hosannas rang
As people cheered and hailed their King
And all the children sang.

But when Christ saw Jerusalem
Stretched out before His eye
And knew what unbelief would cost,
It moved His heart to cry.

Oh, as I saw that solemn sight
It seemed so strangely sweet,
For in His tears I saw His love
So perfect and complete.

To one more place He took me now –
At midnight I could see
The Son of God bowed down with grief
In deepest agony.

I heard my Savior as He wept
And through His tears discerned
He prayed for me – it melted me,
His love for me I learned.

With tearful joy I thanked the Lord
For answering my prayer,
For giving me His love for souls –
His tears, His heart, His care.

Christina Joy Hommes

References: John 11:35; Luke 19:41; Hebrews 5:7-9

Isn’t it amazing to think that Jesus wept? He loves us so much it brought Him to tears. What a Savior! Do we have His heart and love? If so, it will sometimes bring us to tears as we see others suffer or reject the truth. When it does, we know that we aren’t praying alone but with the great Intercessor – our Lord Jesus.